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18/09/2024 @ 8 h 00 min - 20/09/2024 @ 17 h 00 min
Dear Aerogel Scientists,
Dear Colleagues,
I’d like to draw your attention to our next 7th INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON AEROGELS which will be held in Germany /Hamburg on 18.09. – 20.09 SEPTEMBER 2024.
This event is held every 2 years. Last time it took place in September 2022 in Hamburg and was hosting 250 participants from all over the world.
Also in 2024 we welcome all scientists who are dealing or interested in aerogels! The call for paper will be sent early February 2024.
We also welcome the companies to present their aerogel projects.
My team and myself are looking forward to meet you in Hamburg and to discuss the latest achievements in the aerogel science and technology!
***Additionally: the next INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL FOR AEROGELS WILL BE HELD IN COLOGNE/GERMANY in the week after our conference (23.-26. SEPTEMBER 2024). Also here all young scientists and those interested in a practical work with aerogel are invited!
Separate invitation to Summer School with all details will come later from the team of Prof. Barbara Milow.
Best regards,
Irina Smirnova & Aerogel Team of TUHH
Technische Universität Hamburg/Hamburg University of Technology
Institut für Thermische Verfahrenstechnik-V8-
Eißendorferstr.38 21073 Hamburg