
Ph.D. Award

ISASF Society invite any student having defended a Ph.D. thesis to apply for the Ph.D. Award.  

The subject of the thesis must be closely related to the practice and/or theory of supercritical fluids (at least half of the work must be directly applicable to supercritical fluids).

This award is granted by the International Society for the Advancement of Supercritical Fluids, by submitting his (her) work to the ISASF jury. The jury is composed of senior experts on Supercritical Fluids from all over the word.

 The Award consist in a grant of 1000 euros and is awarded during either a European or a international Supercritical Fluids meeting.

Once Ph Award annoucement are launched, full application file is avaiblable on ISASF web-site. Each student has to sent full application file to ISASF Secretary.

CFS- Jerry King Best Poster Award

Since 2012, a special award is given to the best poster presented during the EMSF or ISSF meeting.

A jury composed of senior experts evaluate during poster session all posters and award a prize of 500 € for the best one.

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