Great Success for the 1st Online Aerogel Seminar

The Aerogel Seminar 2020 was held September 16 – 18, this time fully 
online, and attracted over 200 participants from around the world.

The  Aerogel Seminar included three days of plenary and regular talks, round  tables and poster sessions in both fundamental and applied areas of the  aerogel research, ranging from preparation and characterization to 
large-scale manufacturing and commercialization.

The Aerogel Seminar hosted three workshops to give motivated people a 
change to begin their own exciting research in aerogels.

Two round  tables were dedicated to Sino-German Aerogel Workshop 2021 and to the  running EU Cost Action on Advanced Engineering and Research of Aerogels  for Environment and Life Sciences.

Prof. Pavel Gurikov and Prof. Irina Smirnova, Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)

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